Exam Preparation
Preparing well for exams is very important. My Own Tutor has thousands of practice questions in the main subjects from the major GCSE boards as well as SATs practice questions.
- Because we report to parents how their children are doing
- Because we let them know where there may be any areas which need extra attention
- Because we provide lessons and support from qualified teachers
My Own Tutor is the perfect companion programme to support you through your children's schooling and to prepare them through revision for the all important exams which make so much difference to the choices they will have in their lives.
My Own Tutor has practice and revision exercises made available through its games-based revision system in the following subjects:
Business Studies, Citizenship, Design and Technology, ECDL, English Language, English Literature, French, Geography, German, History, ICT, ICT (OCR Nationals), Mathematics, Media Studies, Music, Physical Education, Religious Studies, Science (Additional Applied), Science (Biology), Science (Chemistry), Science (Physics), Sociology, Spanish.
Also: Tiered exam practice questions for EDEXCEL, AQA and OCR
Business and Finance (Level 1 and 2), Construction (Level 2), ICT (Level 1 and 2).
Key Stage 3:
Art and Design, Citizenship, Design and Technology, English, French, Geography, German, History, ICT, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Religious Studies, Science, Spanish.
Also: Official and original QCA past papers now supporting teacher assessments
Key Stage 2:
English, French, German, History, ICT, Mathematics, Music, Religious Studies, Science.
Also: Official and original QCA past papers for SATS exam practice
Key Stage 1:
Literacy and Mathematics.