Maths tutor
Maths is one of the most important subjects which our children learn. Not only is it important in many aspects of day-to-day life, it is also vital if your child's choice of career is related to engineering, building, computing, science, commerce, design... hundreds of job types need an ability in maths. Maths is also one of the subjects which parents find it difficult to help with:
Often they have forgotten how to do some of the topics, or it's taught differently now, or they always found it difficult themselves. My Own Tutor's combination of Practice exercises, online lessons which can be watched over and over again if needed, and the support given by our Network Teachers is a proven and effective way to help your children master this most important subject.
And don't forget. If they get stuck with homework and you can't help... the online lessons will... and so will the Network Teachers, available to talk to six days per week.